Deemed to Comply Manual
In the last three months 2 drawing(s) have been withdrawn.
How to find the product sheet you want.
You can search the data base by category, product title, manufacturer or drawing number. This search can be broken down into current products, withdrawn products or all.
Select the required category from a pull-down menu. Leaving the
category blank will give you all products containing your search
Each product has been placed into at least one category. Where
the product fits in more than one category, it can be found in all the
relevant categories, eg a roof screw may be in roofing products as well
as in connectors.
Insert part of a word, a word or phrase.
Results will show all products which contain these letters. (eg
searching for cyclone will give all products where the word cyclone
appears in the product name or description.
Search by manufacturer's name or part of name.
eg searching for lysag will give a list of all products where
lysag is part of the manufacturer's name.
Insert all or part of the drawing number. Note that drawing numbers
have been allocated a leading zero to aid sorting on the system.
eg searching for 203 will produce a list of all products
containing the number 203 but when searching for M/203/1 the required
search text would be M/203/01or just 203/01.
Search using the drop-down menu. The default setting is current.
Products may be current (they are approved for use now), or
withdrawn (they were previously approved but approval has been
Searching for a product will give you a list of all products which fit
the criteria you put in your search field. Leaving the category blank
will give you all products in all categories which contain your search
From the list, select the product required by clicking on the drawing number which will take you to the drawing record.
This contains the details of the product selected, including the
product title, description, manufacturer, status, status date and
category or categories. Select the drawing number to view the product
sheet. This sheet can be printed or saved for future reference.
Drawings which have been withdrawn are clearly marked.