Metadata : Vegetation Communities of Arafura Swamp


Metadata Details:

Name:AS/NZS ISO 19115 Geographic Information - Metadata, ANZLIC Metadata Profile


Date Metadata Extracted:2024-04-25

Date Metadata Last Updated:2022-02-15

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ANZLIC Identifier:2DBCB7711FA006B6E040CD9B0F274EFE

Title:Vegetation Communities of Arafura Swamp

Citation Date:2000-01-14

Date Type:publication

Custodian:Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security



This floristic survey describes polygons and their vegetation communities for the Arafura Swamp of the Northern Territory.
Mapped information describes vegetation units and their attributes and provides a basis for identifying the extent and distribution of vegetation resources for the Arafura Swamp area.

The survey area of 900 km2 is located on the northern coast of Arnhem Land, from Castlereagh Bay south east of Millingimbi Island and includes the coastal plains region. The original field surveys were conducted in May 1990 at a mapping scale of 1:50,000.

ANZLIC Search Words:

Spatial Domain:

Bounding Coordinates:

Dataset Status

Dataset ID:ANZNT0001000008


Character Set: Latin 1


Maintenance and Update Frequency:notPlanned

Data Currency Start Date:1990-01-01

Data Currency End Date:2022-02-08

Access Constraint:Download the spatial data package (contains spatial data, maps and reports) via

You are licensed to use the geospatial products on the terms and conditions set out in: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC BY 4.0) at:

If you do not agree to the terms and conditions you must not use the geospatial products.

You are free to copy, communicate and adapt the licensed material, provided that you abide by the licence terms (including Attribution) and attribute the licensed material using the statement:

Supplied by the Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security. Copyright Northern Territory Government.

Data Quality

Lineage:Original linework derived using aerial photography to delineate mapping unit boundaries and site selection, then extensively ground-truthed with topographic basemap/GPS coordinated field survey and site data collection. Resultant verified linework georeferenced to 1:50,000 topographic basemap then input into GIS system as ArcInfo vector information and built as a polygon cover.
Source data: Aerial photography - 1:50,000 Col; Base map - Australian Topographic Survey Series 1:50,000 AGD66; Northern Territory Cadastre AGD66; GIS - ArcInfo vector as AGD66/GDA94

February 2022: The spatial data was recompiled and projected to datum GDA94 to an ESRI file geodatabase using a standard set of attributes defined by this department.

Positional Accuracy:Derived from topographic basemap and NT cadastre. The summation of errors from all sources results in data with a standard deviation defined by scale used as +/-100m for well-defined points.

Attribute Accuracy:The accuracy of the attribute information is considered high and conforms to the 'Australian Soil and Land Survey Field Handbook' at time of capture.

The spatial dataset has been compiled with a standard set of attributes used by the department. The attributes for this dataset only include NVIS Levels 1, 2 and 3. Notes have been added to the Data Dictionary in this record where the attributes have not been included.

Logical Consistency:Dataset topological consistency has been checked and all classified polygons are closed, nodes are formed at the intersection of lines and there is only one label within each polygon. Polygons have been classified for Veg community ID in the lookup table.

Completeness:Complete as at 1996. Note that species names may have changed since this report was published.


Data Requests OfficerDepartment of Environment, Parks and Water SecurityGeospatial Services Branch (on behalf of department)

Data Dictionary

AttributeAttribute DescriptionPossible CodeCode Description
01. SURVEYNAMEAlias: Survey name
02. SURVEY_IDAlias: Survey Identifiier

ARAFS_50. This is a department survey code used for spatial data management purposes. The code usually references the site details entered in the Vegetation Site Database (VSD).
The code is followed by _50. This is a reference to the spatial data scale that is suitable for the mapping.
03. VERSIONAlias: Data version

Version 1 was published 8 February 2022. If further edits are required the version number will change and details will be noted in the Lineage section of this metadata record.
04. NVIS_DATAAlias: NVIS data
This dataset has not been included in the NVIS dataset.
05. NVISVEG_IDAlias: NVIS vegetation identifier (Not included in this dataset)
06. NTMU_IDAlias: NT Mapunit identifier (Not included in this dataset)
07. SOURCECODEAlias: Source veg mapunit

The source code is a unique identifier for the vegetation mapunit in this survey and is used for polygon labelling purposes. This attribute may also be referenced as VMU.
08. SPA_MIXAlias: Spatial Mix (Not included in this dataset)

This provides general information on both the spatial extent and makeup of the discrete sub-associations or floristic groups within the one map unit. Map units may be homogenous (pure) or mixed (mosaics). Spatially mixed map units are defined as those that have a number of discrete vegetation types within a map unit boundary.
MosaicThe map unit definitely has two or three main sub-associations, which can be described in detail, the spatial extent of each within the polygon is known, and one of the sub-associations is clearly spatially dominant.
PureThe map unit has only one sub-association or discrete floristic group, and this can be adequately described.
09. COM_DESCAlias: Community Description

A general or common description for the veg mapunit.
10. L1_CLASSAlias: Level 1 - Class

Derived from the NVIS Information Hierarchy. The description of class includes the growth form from the ecologically dominant stratum of the vegetation type/community.
11. L2_STR_FORAlias: Level 2 - Structural Formation

Derived from the NVIS Information Hierarchy. The description of structural formation should include dominant growth form, cover classes, height classes and height classifier with corresponding growth form for the ecologically dominant stratum of the vegetation type/community.
12. L3_BR_FORAlias: Level 3 - Broad Floristic Formation

Derived from the NVIS Information Hierarchy.
The description of the vegetation type/community with floristic information at the level of genus, plus the structural formation of the dominant stratum reported at the sub-formation level (Level 4)
of the NVIS Information Hierarchy.
13. L4_SUB_FORAlias: Level 4 - Sub-formation (Not included in this dataset)

Derived from the NVIS Information Hierarchy. For each stratum (Upper, Mid and Ground), the sub-formation description of the vegetation type should include floristic information (genus) plus the structural formation (dominant growth form, cover, height are implied).
A maximum of three strata is allowed and the dominant stratum is indicated by a plus symbol +.
14. L5_ASSOCAlias: Level 5 - Association (Not included in this dataset)

Not described in Version 1 of this dataset.
Derived from the NVIS Information Hierarchy. For each stratum, (Upper, Mid and Ground), the association description of the vegetation type/community should include floristic information for the dominant and/or diagnostic species (maximum of three species per stratum) plus the structural formation (dominant growth form, cover, height are implied). A maximum of three strata (U, M & G) are allowed and the dominant stratum is indicated by a plus symbol +.
15. ENV_DESCAlias: Environmental Description

This attribute comprises a description of the environmental parameters consistently occurring within the vegetation type and thereby helping to define it. This description will incorporate landform and in some situations soil information.
16. AREA_HAAlias: Area (ha)
calculated using Map Grid of Australia Zone 53, Datum GDA94.

Supplementary Information

Department Survey Code (Vegetation survey): ARAFS_50
This spatial dataset should not be used at scales greater than 1 : 50,000

Brocklehurst, P.S. and Wilson, B.A. (1996)
VEGETATION COMMUNITIES OF ARAFURA SWAMP, Conservation Commission of the Northern Territory.
Download the report (PDF) via the Northern Territory Library;

Northern Territory Vegetation Site Database (VSD)
Metadata -

Report - Biological inventory of the Arafura swamp and catchment
Download the report (PDF) from NT Library

This record maintained using the NTLIS Metadata Tool