Metadata : Northern Territory Parks and Reserves


Metadata Details:

Name:AS/NZS ISO 19115 Geographic Information - Metadata, ANZLIC Metadata Profile


Date Metadata Extracted:2025-02-12

Date Metadata Last Updated:2024-08-14

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ANZLIC Identifier:2DBCB77120CA06B6E040CD9B0F274EFE

Title:Northern Territory Parks and Reserves

Citation Date:2000-01-14

Date Type:publication

Custodian:Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security



The spatial dataset defines the geographical location of Park and Reserve boundaries within the Northern Territory. Included in the dataset are the boundaries of other landholdings held by the Conservation Land Corporation and excision areas, neither of which are protected for conservation purposes. It also contains the boundaries for conservation covenants within the Northern Territory which are managed privately.

The custodian of this spatial dataset is the Parks and Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory.

ANZLIC Search Words:

Spatial Domain:

Bounding Coordinates:

Dataset Status

Dataset ID:ANZNT0782000022


Character Set: Latin 1


Maintenance and Update Frequency:asNeeded

Data Currency Start Date:2000-01-14

Data Currency End Date:2024-08-14

Access Constraint:Download the spatial data package via the NTG Open Data Portal.
Search Data: Enter: Parks and Reserves
Multiple results: Click on NT Parks and Reserves
Click on the orange button Explore > then Go to resource to download the zip file.

You are licensed to use the geospatial products on the terms and conditions set out in: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC BY 4.0) at:
If you do not agree to the terms and conditions you must not use the geospatial products.
You are free to copy, communicate and adapt the licensed material, provided that you abide by the licence terms (including Attribution) and attribute the licensed material using the statement:
Supplied by the Parks and Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory. Copyright Northern Territory Government.

Data Quality

Lineage:The park and reserve boundaries in the datasets were originally captured by means of digitising or keyboard entry of a series of survey control coordinates provided by the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics. In some instances, the coordinates were provided as a bearing and distance transverse. After 1994, land parcel boundaries were downloaded from MAPNET (Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics Land Administration Information system) and more recently, ILIS MAPS (Integrated Land Information System).

Positional Accuracy:Park and Reserve boundaries are associated with land parcel boundaries, which vary in accuracy. The accuracy can range from +/-3 to 1000 metres, depending upon the remoteness of the survey from major towns.

Attribute Accuracy:The majority of attributes conform to CAPAD (Collaborative Australian Protected Areas Dataset) specifications. Land parcel attribute information is sourced from Government Gazettes and ILIS (Integrated Land Information System). Other attributes are sourced from internal resources.

Logical Consistency:ESRI ArcGIS ArcInfo GIS software was used to check the topological consistency. It ensures any errors are detected and all polygons are closed, nodes are formed at intersections of lines and there is only one label per polygon. The polygons are single part.

Completeness:This dataset is continually updated.


Data Requests OfficerDepartment of Environment, Parks and Water SecurityGeospatial Services Branch (on behalf of department)
Land Information ManagerDepartment of Environment, Parks and Water SecurityParks and

Data Dictionary

AttributeAttribute DescriptionPossible CodeCode Description
AUTHORITYField Type: alphanumeric (maximum 15 characters) (UPPERCASE)

Definition: The code of the authority which administers the Protected Area.
DCCEEWAustralian Government, Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
N/ANot applicable (not a protected area)
NT_PWCNTParks and Wildlife Commission of the NT
UNDETERMINEDNo management authority allocated
COMMENTSField Type: alphanumeric (maximum 120 characters) (UPPERCASE)

Definition: Any additional information regarding the polygon.
DATASOURCEField Type: Alphanumeric (maximum 20 characters) (UPPERCASE)

Definition: The CODE for the agency which supplied the data Protected Area.
NT_PWCNTParks and Wildlife Commission of the NT
ENVIRONField Type: Character format (maximum 3 characters) (UPPERCASE)

Definition: The code that describes the range of environments conserved in the protected area. To delineate whether the protected area is Terrestrial, Marine or Both.
BBoth Terrestrial and Marine - Includes land and water both above and below the high water mark.
MMarine - Only includes land and or water below high water mark but not including islands and reefs above high water mark.
TTerrestrial - Only includes land and or water above high water mark including aquatic ecosystems
FFF_ACT03Field Type: Character format (maximum 50 characters) (Upper-Lower case)

Definition: Schedule under which a selection of Northern Territory Parks and Reserves have been allocated under the Parks and Reserves (Framework for the Future) Act 2003.
ExcisionParcel of land within a protected area that is not managed as a part of that protected area.
Not ApplicablePark or Reserve not affected by Parks and Reserves (Framework for the Future) Act 2003.
Not IncludedProtected area not included in the original scheduling of parks, however are likely to be included when title is granted to traditional owners.
Schedule 1 Schedule 1 park under the Parks and Reserves (Framework for the Future) Act 2003 which means there may be subsisting native title rights and interests and/or land claims under the Land Rights Act over this area. These areas are set to be granted to Aboriginal Land Trusts under the Land Rights Act and leased back to the Territory under a joint management arrangement with traditional owners for 99 years for use as parks.
Schedule 2Schedule 2 park under the NT Parks and Reserves (Framework for the Future) Act 2003, which means it is land over which there may be subsisting native title rights and interests. Park freehold title is to be granted over these areas, which is a form of statutory title to land, limited in certain respects and having no extinguishing effect on native title. These areas will be leased back to the Territory for 99 years under a joint management arrangement with traditional owners for 99 years for use as parks.
Schedule 3Schedule 3 park under the NT Parks and Reserves (Framework for the Future) Act 2003, which means there may be subsisting native title rights and interests over this land. The tenure over these areas will not change, but will be jointly managed by the Territory and traditional owners.
GAZ_AREAField Type: Integer (range 0 - 999,999,999)

Definition: The area (to the nearest hectare) as described in the nomination document (e.g. parliamentary gazettal). Some protected areas do not have a specific area in the gazettal. It is recorded to the nearest hectare.

Attribute Units: Hectares
GAZ_DATEField Type: Date format (DD/MM/YYYY)

Definition: Gazettal date of the original proclamation that established any form of protected area that included this land. Default to 01/01/1900 for undated and unlabelled polygons.
GIS_AREAField Type: Floating point to 2 decimal places (range 0.00 - 999,999,999.00)

Definition: The area of a protected area based on current spatial data derived from data projected into Albers Equal Area projection.

Attribute Units: Hectares
GOVERNANCEField Type: Character format (maximum 3 characters) (UPPERCASE)

Definition: The code for the type of governance which has management and decision making responsibility.
CCommunity: Community conserved areas where indigenous peoples or local communities (settled or mobile) hold decision making authority, responsibility and accountability
GGovernment: Protected areas with decision making authority, responsibility and accountability in the hands of national, state or local government
JJoint: Jointly managed protected areas where several social actors from different governance types share decision making authority, responsibility and accountability. Joint management arrangements are recognised by a management board, agreement (eg. ILUA) or other formal arrangement.
NANot applicable
PPrivate: Private protected areas where land and resource owners hold decision making authority, responsibility and accountability
IUCNField Type: alphanumeric (AAAA) (UPPERCASE)

Values: IA to VI

Definition: The IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) protected area category ascribed by the Managing authority, as outlined in the publication: Dudley, N. (Editor) (2013). Guidelines for Applying Protected Area Management Categories. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland.
IAStrict Nature Reserve: protected area managed mainly for science.
IBWilderness Area: protected area managed mainly for wilderness protection.
IINational Park: protected area managed mainly for ecosystem protection.
IIINatural Monument: protected area managed mainly for conservation of specific natural features.
IVHabitat / Species Management Area: protected area managed mainly for conservation through management intervention.
NANot Applicable: Denotes an area that does not meet the NRS criteria or the IUCN definition of a protected area but has management complimentary to the NRS.
VProtected Landscape /Seascape: protected area managed mainly for landscape/seascape conservation and recreation.
VIManaged Resource Protected Area: protected area managed for the sustainable use of natural ecosystems.
VOIDDenotes and area in the spatial data which is not a "protected area", but is maintained in the spatial data to ensure the area boundary integrity.
LATEST_GAZField Type: Date format (DD/MM/YYYY)

Definition: The date of the most recent gazettal or proclamation by the relevant State authority to add land to the protected area. It can be the same dates as the GAZ_DATE if there have been no changes or additions to the protected area.
LEGISLATNField Type: Character format (maximum 100 characters)

Definition: Current protected area legislation that applies over the land parcel.
METHODField Type: alphanumeric (maximum 8 characters) (UPPERCASE)

Definition: The method by which the boundary was captured.
B/DBearing and distance transverse (survey)
COORDSet of coordinates entered via keyboard
ILIS MAPSExtracted from Integrated Land Information System.
MAPNETExtracted from MAPNET (Map-based Land Information System) accessed from Land Information Services, Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Environment.
MGT_PLANField Type: Character format (maximum 3 characters) (UPPERCASE)

Definition: The code for the status of the management plan for the protected area.
DA draft management document was released for comment by the public, management board or equivalent
IA formal statement of management intent has been prepared that clearly sets out the management objectives for the protected area but includes little else
MA formally adopted management plan that has been through consultation and contains strategies and actions for implementation for this protected area. A management plan may be for a group of protected areas with specific actions for each protected area in the plan
NNo form of management document could be found
NANot applicable
PSome form of management document was being prepared
RA formally adopted management plan has been through consultation and contains general strategies and actions for implementation over a group of protected areas.
SEnabling legislation establishes the management of a protected area and a separate management document is not required
NAMEField Type: alphanumeric (maximum 60 characters) (Upper - Lower case)

Definition: The official (gazetted) name of a protected area or its unofficial name if one exists. Not all gazetted protected areas have a name, in which case they are entitled "Unnamed". Note text is presented in PROPER text format as follows; (eg. Emily and Jessie Gaps Nature Park).
NRS_PAField Type: alphanumeric (AAAA) (UPPERCASE)

Definition: Abbreviation of whether the protected area meets the standard for inclusion in the NRS as described in Australia's Strategy for the National Reserve System 2009-2030, or is managed for nature conservation without meeting the NRS standard. Yes (Y), No (N), Interim (I), Not Determined (ND) up to two upper-case characters.
IInterim - The land has been assessed to meet the standard for inclusion in the NRS but has not been formally established as a protected area although binding agreements are in place for formal protection to occur in the future.
NNo - The land has been assessed not to meet the standard for inclusion in the NRS but is managed for nature conservation without meeting the NRS standard.
NDNot Determined - The land probably managed for nature conservation that has not been assessed to determine if it meets the standard for inclusion in the NRS.
YYes - The land has been assessed as a protected area that meets the standard for inclusion in the NRS.
OLD_PARKIDField Type: Integer (maximum 10 characters)

Definition: A unique identifier associated to the previous name of a park that has since been amalgamated into another park with a new park_id. Also allows a common link to PWSNT Landholdings Database stored in Oracle.
OWNER_NAMEField Type: Character format (maximum 50 characters) (UPPERCASE)

Definition: Name of individuals, Land Trust or company that own the land parcel.
PARCELField Type: alphanumeric (maximum 50 characters) (UPPERCASE)

Definition: The NT Land Parcel number which is defined by a unique lot key composed of a location code followed by a lot number eg. NT POR 325 1554).
PARK_IDField Type: Integer (maximum 10 characters)

Definition: A unique identifier associated to a park name. This attribute allows a common link to the PWCNT Landholdings Database stored in Oracle.
PA_IDField Type: Alphanumeric (maximum 10 characters) (Upper - Lower case)

Definition: A unique code for the protected area that remains consistent for each version of CAPAD.
PROTECTEDField Type: binary (maximum 4 characters) (UPPERCASE)

Definition: Indicates whether the polygon is a protected area or not.

For your information:

IUCN definition of a 'protected area'
"A protected area is a clearly defined geographical space, recognised, dedicated and managed, through legal or other effective means, to achieve the long term conservation of nature with associated ecosystem services and cultural values." Dudley, N. (Editor) (2013). Guidelines for Applying Protected Area Management Categories. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland.
'To be included in the National Reserve System, an area must be a 'protected area' which means it must be:

* must enhance the comprehensiveness, adequacy and representativeness of the National Reserve System
* must be established and managed for the primary purpose of protection and maintenance of biological
diversity with associated ecosystem services and cultural values

Secure through legal or other effective means
* must be statutorily defined and resourced
* must be reserved in perpetuity
* any change in management status must have Ministerial or statutory approval
* must have customary law protection with Traditional Owners holding a non-transferable interest in the land with a commitment to its long-term protective management
* must be a commitment from Traditional Owners to discuss any changes with the Minister

* must be classified and managed in accordance with one or more IUCN management categories (IVI)
* must be adaptively managed to minimise loss of biodiversity values
* effectiveness of management must be monitored and evaluated in a manner open to public scrutiny

Clearly defined
* the area must be able to be accurately identified on maps and on the ground

Reference: Commonwealth of Australia et al (2009) Australia's Strategy for the National Reserve System 2009-2030 Pg 42 report prepared by the National Reserve System Task Group convened under the Natural Resource Policies and Program Committee. Australia
0Denotes an area in the spatial data which is not a "protected area", but is maintained in the spatial data to ensure the area boundary integrity. ie an excision area within a protected area.
1The polygon represents a protected area.
PWNT_MGNTField Type: alphanumeric (maximum 5 characters) (UPPERCASE)

Indicates whether the protected area is managed by Parks and Wildlife NT
NoProtected Area not managed by Parks and Wildlife NT
YesProtected Area managed by Parks and Wildlife NT
REGIONField Type: alphanumeric (maximum 10 characters) (UPPERCASE)

Definition: The NT Administrative Region
ALICEAlice Springs
RES_NOField Type: character (maximum 8 characters)(UPPERCASE)

Definition: The reserve number (if declared) as used by the controlling authority. It is represented in the form of pre-fixed text denoting the State, followed by the reserve number (eg. NT1071).

Note: IPA Reserve Numbers will be allocated by DoEE for CAPAD.
STATEField Type: alphanumeric (AAAA) (UPPERCASE)

Definition: The CODE for the State or Territory in which the Protected Area is located.

Note: Terrestrial Commonwealth managed land is attributed with the name of the State / Territory in which it is physically located.
ACTAustralian Capital Territory
EXTExternal Territory
NSWNew South Wales
NTNorthern Territory
SASouth Australia
WAWestern Australia
SUB-NAMEField Type: alphanumeric (maximum 60 characters) (Upper-Lower case)

Definition: Name given to Protected Area that is not the Gazetted name. It may be a common name used or the name it was assigned before being amalgamated with other protected areas to form a new protected area. Note text must be in the following format eg. McKinlay River, Cobourg Marine Park.
TENURE_CODEField Type: Character format (maximum 20 characters) (UPPERCASE)

Definition: Tenure reference used to identify the title held over a land parcel ie any leases, licences and other miscellaneous tenures. The type of tenure is denoted by a character pre-fix, this is followed by a space and a tenure reference number (eg. CLP 1496, RES 942). The codes and their description are listed for your reference.
ADLAgricultural Development Lease
ALAgricultural Lease
BLBuilding Lease
CLLChurch Lands Lease
CLPCrown Lease in Perpetuity
CLTCrown Lease Term
CRCLRight to a Crown Lease
DTALDarwin Town Area Lease
FEstate in Fee Simple
FCLFish Culture Lease
FFLFisheries Lease
GGovernment Set Aside
GLGrazing Licence
LGLLocal Government Lease
LOCLicence to Occupy
LTLLease of Town Lands
MINRegistered Mining Lease
MISLMission Lease
MLMiscellaneous Lease
MLICMiscellaneous Licence
ODLOccupation Development Licence
OLOccupation Licence
PCLPearl Culture Lease
PHLPastoral Homestead Lease
PLPastoral Lease
POPermissive Occupancy
PPLPerpetual Pastoral Lease
RTFTRight to a Freehold Title
SLSpecial Lease
SPLSpecial Purpose Lease
TLSLTown Lands Subdivision Lease
VVacant Crown
TYPEField Type: alphanumeric (maximum 60 characters) (Upper-Lower case)

Definition: The official gazetted designation of the protected area. Note the text is presented as follows; (eg. National Park). Note: There may be occasions whereby the TYPE category for an area that is not allocated an IUCN category, in such cases, the IUCN category will be listed as Void. Similarly, a named unprotected area (without a type definition and an IUCN category) is included in the spatial data for boundary definition, will be assigned a TYPE category of Void.
Botanic Gardens-
Coastal Reserve
Conservation Area-
Conservation Covenant
Conservation Reserve
Historical Reserve
Hunting Reserve
Management Agreement Area
Management Area-
Marine Park
National Park
National Park (Commonwealth)
Natural Catchment Area-
Nature Park
Other Conservation Area
Other Conservation Area / Nature Park
Ranger Headquarters
Recreation Park
TYPE_ABBRField Type: alphanumeric (AAAA) (UPPERCASE)

Definition: Abbreviation of TYPE, up to four upper-case characters (eg. `NAP' = `Nature Park').
ACCPConservation Covenant
BGBotanic Gardens
CAConservation Area
CORCoastal Reserve
CRConservation Reserve
HIRHistorical Reserve
HTRHunting Reserve
MAManagement Area
MAAManagement Agreement Area
MPMarine Park
NAPNature Park
NCANatural Catchment Area
NPNational Park
NPCNational Park (Commonwealth)
OCAOther Conservation Area
OCA /NAPOther Conservation Area / Nature Park
RHQRanger Headquarters
RPRecreation Park

Supplementary Information

A reduced set of attributes are supplied in the public dataset. The spatial data is called NT_Parks_g94. Management zones are not included in this dataset.

If you require further assistance, please contact: Land Information Manager Parks and Wildlife.
Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security.
Telephone: +61 8 8999 4407

This record maintained using the NTLIS Metadata Tool