Metadata : Soil and Land Information System (SALInfo)


Metadata Details:

Name:AS/NZS ISO 19115 Geographic Information - Metadata, ANZLIC Metadata Profile


Date Metadata Extracted:2025-01-25

Date Metadata Last Updated:2024-11-13

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ANZLIC Identifier:2DBCB771214A06B6E040CD9B0F274EFE

Title:Soil and Land Information System (SALInfo)

Citation Date:2000-01-14

Date Type:publication

Custodian:Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security



SALInfo - Soil And Land Information System
This is an NT wide corporate soil and landform point database that stores soil profile and landform descriptions collected by the land and vegetation group. It contains new information and historical information collected as far back as the 1940's. It was originally built in 2002 but underwent a major upgrade in 2008.

ANZLIC Search Words:

Spatial Domain:

Bounding Coordinates:

Dataset Status

Dataset ID:ANZNT0903000060


Character Set: Latin 1


Maintenance and Update Frequency:continual

Data Currency Start Date:2002-01-01

Data Currency End Date:

Access Constraint:Download the spatial data package (contains spatial data, maps and reports) via

You are licensed to use the DENR geospatial products on the terms and conditions set out in: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC BY 4.0) at:

If you do not agree to the terms and conditions you must not use the geospatial products.

You are free to copy, communicate and adapt the licensed material, provided that you abide by the licence terms (including Attribution) and attribute the licensed material using the statement:

Supplied by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Copyright Northern Territory Government.

Data Quality

Lineage:SALInfo is the NT soil and land point source corporate database with items as per Australian Standards. Site data is recorded in the field and entered into SALInfo. It stores profile descriptions and also has the capacity to store soil chemical and physical properties.

Positional Accuracy:Current point location data is collected via 3D GPS. Historical points with no spatial coordinates has been located from various sources. These include aerial photography, topographic map sheets (50K, 100K or 250K), including working copies of these map sheets used for survey purposes.

Current positional accuracy is +/- 20 metres to +/-50 metres.
Pre GPS positional accuracy is variable generally +/-100 metres to +/-300 metres.

Attribute Accuracy:The accuracy of the attribute information is considered to be good. Information has gemerally been collected to national standards at the time of capture.

Logical Consistency:Not Applicable.

Completeness:STATUS: Ongoing (Historical data is continually being located and new data loaded on the Soil and Land Database (SALInfo)). Considerable effort is currently being made to capture all soil site locations and capture historical data.


Data Requests OfficerDepartment of Environment, Parks and Water SecurityGeospatial Services Branch (on behalf of department)

Data Dictionary

AttributeAttribute DescriptionPossible CodeCode Description
COLOUR1Soil colour (moist) of the horizon, recorded using the Munsell Colour Chart.
COLOUR2Soil colour (moist) of the horizon, recorded using the Munsell Color Chart.
COLOUR3Soil colour (moist) of the third horizon, recorded using the Munsell Color Chart.
COLOUR4Soil colour (moist) of the fourth horizon, recorded using the Munsell Color Chart.
COLOUR5Soil colour (moist) of the fifth horizon, recorded using the Munsell Color Chart.
DEPTH1The boundaries of the upper most horizon as defined by McDonald et al. (1998).
DEPTH2The boundaries of the second horizon as defined by McDonald et al. (1998).
DEPTH3The boundaries of the third horizon as defined by McDonald et al. (1998).
DEPTH4The boundaries of the fourth horizon as defined by McDonald et al. (1998).
DEPTH5The boundaries of the fifth horizon as defined by McDonald et al. (1998).
DESCRIBED_DATEDate of observation in the field.
DRAINAGEDrainage as defined by McDonald et al. (1998).
FABRIC1The fabric of the upper most horizon of the soil profile as defined by McDonald (1998).
FABRIC2The fabric of the second horizon of the soil profile as defined by McDonald (1998).
FABRIC3The fabric of the third horizon of the soil profile as defined by McDonald (1998).
FABRIC4The fabric of the fourth horizon of the soil profile as defined by McDonald (1998).
FABRIC5The fabric of the fifth horizon of the soil profile as defined by McDonald (1998).
LANDFORM_ELEMENTLandform element as defined by McDonald et al. (1998)
LANDFORM_PATTERNLandform pattern as defined by McDonald et al. (1998)
LAYER1The uppermost soil horizon in the profile as defined by McDonald et al. (1998).
LAYER2The second soil horizon in the profile as defined by McDonald et al. (1998).
LAYER3The third soil horizon in the profile as defined by McDonald et al. (1998).
LAYER4The fourth soil horizon in the profile as defined by McDonald et al. (1998).
LAYER5The fifth soil horizon in the profile as defined by McDonald et al. (1998).
PEDALITY1Grade of pedality of horizon 1, as defined by McDonald et al. (1998).
PEDALITY2Grade of pedality of horizon 2, as defined by McDonald et al. (1998).
PEDALITY3Grade of pedality of horizon 3, as defined by McDonald et al. (1998).
PEDALITY4Grade of pedality of horizon 4, as defined by McDonald et al. (1998).
PERMEABLESoil permeability as defined by McDonald et al. 1998.
PH1Horizon 1 pH by either Raupach and Tucker or 1:5 soil/water solution.
PH2Horizon 2 pH by either Raupach and Tucker or 1:5 soil/water solution.
PH3Horizon 3 pH by either Raupach and Tucker or 1:5 soil/water solution.
PH4Horizon 4, pH by either Raupach and Tucker or 1:5 soil/water solution
PH5Horizon 5, pH by either Raupach and Tucker or 1:5 soil/water solution
SITE_NOThe site number within a particular SURVEY ID.
SLOPESlope (%) as defined by McDonald et al. 1998.
SOIL_ASCAustralian Soil Classification as defined by Isbell (2003) and in some cases Isbell (1996).
SUBSTRATESubstrate material encountered as defined by McDonald et al. 1998.
SURVEY_IDA 2-5 alpha-numerical code used to identify the survey. It is unique and reflects the original code written on the field description sheet. Where there is duplication between surveys they are diferentiated by the year (ie. TIP68 and TIP87).
SURVEY_NAMESurvey Name - land resource survey report name
TEXTURE1Horizon 1 field texture grade as defined by McDonald et al. (1998).
TEXTURE2Horizon 2 field texture grade as defined by McDonald et al. (1998).
TEXTURE3Horizon 3 field texture grade as defined by McDonald et al. (1998).
TEXTURE4Horizon 4 field texture grade as defined by McDonald et al. (1998).
TEXTURE5Horizon 5 field texture grade as defined by McDonald et al. (1998).

Supplementary Information

This record maintained using the NTLIS Metadata Tool