Metadata : NT DCDB Road Centrelines |
Metadata Details:
Name:AS/NZS ISO 19115 Geographic Information - Metadata, ANZLIC Metadata Profile
Date Metadata Extracted:2024-12-08
Date Metadata Last Updated:2008-03-31
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ANZLIC Identifier:3866C09A840CE266E040CD9B21445F61
Title:NT DCDB Road Centrelines
Citation Date:1998-01-02
Date Type:creation
Custodian:Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics
Digital vector road centrelines for the Northern Territory. The data set represents all known public roads in the Northern Territory and most private ones of significance and is attributed with:
Unique Identifier
Category (heirarchy)
Excluded (from Title)
Road Name
Road Name Type
Road Name Suffix
Centreline Source Type
Centreline Source Data
Centreline Source Date
Place Names Register ID
Roads Information Management System ID
Directions of Travel
Number of Lanes Left
Number of Lanes Right
Surface Type
Divided Road
Road Status (useage)
Ground Relationship
National Route Number
State Route Number
- transportation
Bounding Coordinates:
- North Bounding Coordinate:-10
- South Bounding Coordinate:-26
- East Bounding Coordinate:138
- West Bounding Coordinate:129
Dataset Status
Dataset ID:
Character Set: Latin 1
Maintenance and Update Frequency:continual
Data Currency Start Date:1998-01-02
Data Currency End Date:
Access Constraint:
Data Quality
Lineage:The current dataset was established from the earlier DCDB which contained all the known public roads in the Northern Territory and other more used roads combined with the NT Pastoral Roads, the PSMA Indigenous Roads and the Geoscience Australia 1:250,000 Geodata Roads data sets in January 2007. The DCDB data is being continuously updated with new alignments and attributes from such sources as new Cadastre, GPS observations, new mapping and imagery and the Roads Information Mangement System.
Positional Accuracy:Positional reference source type, source data and source date have been recorded as individual attributes since 2005. Prior to that depending on the source and currency it may range from a few metres to a number of kilometres.
Attribute Accuracy:Some attributes such as Category, Excluded, Name (including Type andSuffix), Place ID and National and State Route Numbers should be complete and accurate. Others such as RIMS ID, Surface, Status, Direction, Ground Relationship, Divided and Lanes Left and Right were only introduced in 2007 and are currently being updated in the stated order. When these attributes have been updated the vector lines themselves will be given direction with respect to the parcel street address.
Logical Consistency:Each record is a polyline map object extending between two intersections, a road end or a change in an attribute. Where appropriate there is connectivity between polylines.
Completeness:New roads will be added as they come to our attention, as will new alignments to existing ones.
Name Organisation Position Role Phone Fax Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics Surveyor General - custodian (08) 8995 5360
Data Dictionary
Attribute Attribute Description Possible Code Code Description CATEGORY Hierarchial classification of road type PASTORAL - LOCAL PASTORAL - NATIONAL HIGHWAY PASTORAL - SECONDARY PASTORAL - STATE ARTERIAL PASTORAL - STATE HIGHWAY RURAL - LOCAL RURAL - NATIONAL HIGHWAY RURAL - SECONDARY RURAL - STATE ARTERIAL RURAL - STATE HIGHWAY URBAN - COLLECTOR URBAN - LOCAL URBAN - PRIMARY ARTERIAL URBAN - SUB ARTERIAL DIRECTION Number of directions the road is trafficable ONE WAY TWO WAY DIVIDED If the road has a central median strip NO YES EXCLUDED The Exclusion of a road from a cadastral parcel or if it is built "In" a legal road casing I In a road casing N Not Excluded from Title Y Excluded from Title GROUND_RELATIONSHIP Spatially ON, ABOVE or BELOW the ground ABOVE ABOVE the ground on a bridge, flyover etc BELOW BELOW the ground in a tunnel etc ON Physically ON the ground LANES_LEFT Number of lanes on the left hand side LANES_RIGHT Number of lanes on the right hand side NATIONAL_ROUTE_NUMBER National Route Number PLACENAME_ID Place Names Register - PLACE NAMES IDENTIFIER RIMS_ID Roads Division - ROADS INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IDENTIFIER ROAD_NAME Road Name (* Denotes descriptor) ROAD_SUFFIX Road Name Suffix ROAD_TYPE Road Type (also part of the road name) eg STREET, ROAD, AVENUE etc SOURCE DATA Who created or supplied the data SOURCE DATE Date at which the alignment was correct SOURCE TYPE Type of data the alignment was derived from eg GPS, Mapping and Scale etc STATE_ROUTE_NUMBER State Route Number STATUS If and how the road is being used DISUSED Disused or replaced but still trafficable HISTORIC Named but unconstructed public roads in historic towns IN USE Currently being used PRIVATE USE Includes privately owned roads and non public service roads (eg Parks) PROPOSED SERVICE Service access road for major roads and abutting residences etc SURFACE_TYPE Road surface type 4 WD Surface suitable for 4 wheel drive vehicles only in favourable weather conditions FORMED A formed or gravel surface NONE Proposed or historic roads SEALED Sealed road UNFORMED Road has not been formed may be for 2 or 4 wheel drive
Supplementary Information
This record maintained using the NTLIS Metadata Tool