Metadata : Mangroves of the Darwin Region: Native Point to Adelaide River, 1996-2016.


Metadata Details:

Name:AS/NZS ISO 19115 Geographic Information - Metadata, ANZLIC Metadata Profile


Date Metadata Extracted:2024-04-20

Date Metadata Last Updated:2021-05-05

Current URL (HTML format) :

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ANZLIC Identifier:864DE72434F89702E050CD9B214434C4

Title: Mangroves of the Darwin Region: Native Point to Adelaide River, 1996-2016.

Citation Date:2019-04-12

Date Type:creation

Custodian:Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security



Department survey code (vegetation) MANDREG_10
This polygon spatial dataset provides new information on mangrove communities in the Darwin Region. All previous mangrove surveys were standardised and combined to produce one dataset. The survey area covers approximately 92,000 hectares of mangrove and salt flats and includes the Bynoe Harbour, Charles Point., Darwin Harbour, Shoal Bay, Gunn Point and Adelaide River mapping.

More detail on various aspects for Bynoe and Darwin Harbour is contained in the original reports. Map unit coding has changed from the original surveys for a small number of communities.

The original field surveys and mapping was undertaken from 1996 to 2018 at a mapping scale of 1:25,000 and 1:10,000.

ANZLIC Search Words:

Spatial Domain:

Bounding Coordinates:

Dataset Status

Dataset ID:


Character Set: Latin 1


Maintenance and Update Frequency:notPlanned

Data Currency Start Date:1996-01-01

Data Currency End Date:2021-05-05

Access Constraint:Download the spatial data package (contains spatial data, maps and reports) via

You are licensed to use the geospatial products on the terms and conditions set out in: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC BY 4.0) at:

If you do not agree to the terms and conditions you must not use the geospatial products.

You are free to copy, communicate and adapt the licensed material, provided that you abide by the licence terms (including Attribution) and attribute the licensed material using the statement:

Supplied by the Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security. Copyright Northern Territory Government.

Data Quality

Lineage:Map unit boundaries derived from manual interpretation of aerial photo imagery (circa 1996, 2001, 2015, and 2016), DEM, geological and topographic data. The original mapping of Darwin Harbour was updated in 2018 using high resolution aerial photography.
2016 mapping sourced from project funded by the INPEX-led Ichthys LNG Project as part of the Mangrove monitoring program for the Darwin Harbour Integrated Marine Monitoring and Research Program (IMMRP).
Field data (site information) described and classified according to national standards at the time of capture. Map unit polygons collected via geographic information system (ArcGIS).

May 5, 2021.
- coordinate 131.236, -12.195 Polygon was mapunit 17 and changed to 9b.
- coordinate 131.356, -12.297 Polygon was mapunit 18 and changed to 5c.
- Map series published. See Map Index with links to 23 map products:
- spatial data package updated.

Positional Accuracy:POLYGON DATA +/- 10 metres. Map unit boundaries digitised on screen directly from digital rectified aerial photographs. Level of accuracy of the initial ortho-rectified photos +/- 1 metre.

Attribute Accuracy:Digital data is attributed with label and broad description. Detailed attribute information is contained in the report accompanying the polygon spatial data.

Logical Consistency:GIS editing tools were used to rectify all overshoots and undershoots in line work. Polygon topology rules applied are; must not overlap, must not have gaps and each polygon has only one label.



Data Requests OfficerDepartment of Environment, Parks and Water SecurityGeospatial Services Branch (on behalf of department)

Data Dictionary

AttributeAttribute DescriptionPossible CodeCode Description
01 SURVEY_NMEAlias: Survey Name
The name describing the survey
02 SURVEY_IDAlias: Survey Identifier
The survey code used to identify the information in the department's database library
03 COMMUNITYAlias: Community
Vegetation mapping community reference, example 1a.
04. VEG_FORMAlias: Vegetation Formation
Broad structural formation.
05 ASSEMBLAGEAlias: Assemblage
Generic grouping of communities
06 COMM_DESCAlias: Community Description
Broad vegetation descriptor of dominant species in dominant stratum.
07 REGIONAlias: Local Regional Area
08 DATA SOURCEAlias: Data Source
- The IMMRP_8 mangroves project is noted as a data source. This project was funded by the INPEX-led Ichthys LNG Project as part of the Mangrove monitoring program for the Darwin Harbour Integrated Marine Monitoring and Research Program (IMMRP).
- All other data is grouped as Other. (compilation and update of several existing datasets)
09. ORIGSURVEYAlias: Original Survey Extents
Displays the survey extents of the original Bynoe and Darwin Harbour mapping. Refer to Supplementary Information in this metadata record for weblinks to associated reports.
10. AREA_HAAlias: Area (ha)
Area measured in hectares for each polygon.

Supplementary Information

Department Survey Code (Vegetation Survey): MANDREG_10. This spatial dataset should not be used at scales greater than 1: 10,000

Bibliographic Reference: Brocklehurst P., Edmeades B. and Munns P. (2017)
Mangroves of the Darwin Region: Native Point to Adelaide River, Northern Territory, 1996-2016.
Technical Report: 3/2017D. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Darwin, NT.
- Download report from the NT Library:
- Map Index with links to series of 23 map products:


Brocklehurst, P.S. & Edmeades, B.F. (1996)
The Mangrove Communities of Darwin Harbour
Technical Memorandum No 96/9. Resource Capability Assessment Branch, Department of Lands, Planning and Environment. Darwin, NT.
Download report from the NT Library:

Brocklehurst, P. & Edmeades, B. (2003)
Mangrove Survey of Bynoe Harbour, Northern Territory
Technical Report No 01/2003D, Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Environment, Palmerston, NT.
Download report from the NT Library:

Wightman Glenn M. (1989)
Mangroves of the Northern Territory and Identification Chart.
Northern Territory Botanical Bulletin No. 7, Conservation Commission of the Northern Territory.
Download report and ID Chart from the NT Library:

This record maintained using the NTLIS Metadata Tool