Metadata : FullCAM-generated map layers for carbon emissions resulting from land clearing in the NT


Metadata Details:

Name:AS/NZS ISO 19115 Geographic Information - Metadata, ANZLIC Metadata Profile


Date Metadata Extracted:2024-05-20

Date Metadata Last Updated:2022-03-30

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ANZLIC Identifier:D935888C5FB91A9FE0532144CD9B3FE7

Title: FullCAM-generated map layers for carbon emissions resulting from land clearing in the NT

Citation Date:2022-03-02

Date Type:creation

Custodian:Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security



As part of a report prepared for the department, CSIRO created 5 map products in GeoTIFF GIS format to assess the approximate emissions implications of proposed land management activities.
They were generated from the Full Carbon Accounting Model (FullCAM), which was used to estimate per-hectare land clearing emissions across the entire NT, at a spatial resolution of 250 m x 250 m.
Average expected outcome was calculated over a 40-year period (12-1977 to 12-2017) to include variability associated with historical fire.

Total emissions resulting from land clearing (in units CO2-e) are calculated as the sum of the four ecosystem components (above- and below-ground living biomass, above-ground debris, and above-ground standing dead).

- AboveGroundLivingBiomass_tCO2e_ha.tif
image depicts predicted above-ground living biomass and presented in units of tonnes of carbon dioxide-equivalent per hectare (tCO2-e ha-1)

- BelowGroundBiomass_tCO2e_ha.tif
image depicts below-ground biomass, presented in units of tonnes of carbon dioxide-equivalent per hectare (tCO2-e ha-1)

- AboveGroundForestDebris_tCO2e_ha.tif
image depicts above-ground forest debris, presented in units of tonnes of carbon dioxide-equivalent per hectare (tCO2-e ha-1)

- AboveGroundStandingDead_tCO2e_ha.tif
image depicts above-ground standing dead trees, presented in units of tonnes of carbon dioxide-equivalent per hectare (tCO2-e ha-1)

- TotalEmissions_tCO2e_ha.tif
image depicts total biomass, presented in units of tonnes of carbon dioxide-equivalent per hectare (tCO2-e ha-1)

ANZLIC Search Words:

Spatial Domain:

Bounding Coordinates:

Dataset Status

Dataset ID:


Character Set: Latin 1


Maintenance and Update Frequency:notPlanned

Data Currency Start Date:1977-12-01

Data Currency End Date:2017-12-01

Access Constraint:Department use only

Data Quality

Lineage:To generate the mapped products, the FullCAM model was used to estimate per-hectare land clearing emissions across the entire NT, at a spatial resolution of 250 m x 250 m.

Predicted emissions in response to land clearing events were calculated as the sum of the four carbon pools assumed to return to the atmosphere as a result of clearing: aboveground biomass, belowground biomass, aboveground debris, aboveground standing dead. To provide a generalised emissions estimate, the average expected outcome was calculated over a 40-year period to include variability associated with historical fire. The assumption was made that tree growth was experiencing average environmental conditions.

The model created by CSIRO referred to land clearing datasets in the NT for the years 2003-2020 - Pastoral land, >300 ha clearing area; and Unzoned land, >50 ha clearing area.

Positional Accuracy:GeoTIFF grid has a spatial resolution of 250 m x 250 m

Attribute Accuracy:na

Logical Consistency:na



Department of Environment, Parks and Water SecurityDevelopment Coordination

Data Dictionary

No data dictionary defined for this dataset

Supplementary Information

England, J Roxburgh, S and Paul, K (2021)
FullCAM-generated map layers for carbon emissions resulting from land clearing in the NT. CSIRO, Australia.

Title - NT average per hectare carbon emissions from land clearing
Metadata -

This record maintained using the NTLIS Metadata Tool