Place Names Register Extract

Bennett Street

Extract date: 20/04/2024

Name Bennett
Type Designation Street
Place Id 23854
Place Type Road
Status Registered
Date Registered 17 September 2010
Locality / Suburb  
Local Government Area  
  Palmerston City Council
History/Origin After Brother Edward Bennett MSC, whose first appointment was to Alice Springs in 1936, where he was sent to assist Father Patrick Maloney to establish the Little Flower Mission.

In 1941, Brother Bennett was appointed to work with Father Bill Connors MSC on the foundation of Garden Point Mission on Melville Island. When the first group of boys arrived, Brother Bennett found himself responsible for 40 children. He remained at Garden Point for the duration of the war.

An ex-Clovelly Life Saver, Brother Bennett spent seven years as skipper of the Mission boats: St Francis and Margaret Mary. He also spent five years in Santa Teresa and three years in Port Keats, before returning to Santa Teresa for a further ten years.

In 1973 he was appointed to Mission Headquarters in Darwin and in 1978 returned to Alice Springs where he spent the rest of his life until moving to Darwin in his last years.

In 2001 he was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) "for services to religion and the community of the Northern Territory through the Catholic Church particularly the communities of Melville Island and Alice Springs".

He died in 2008 at the age of 95.

The theme, Top End Catholic Priests and Religious, was selected through consultation with Larrakia Development Corporation.

Register & Gazettal information

Date Gazettal Comment
17/09/2010 Date added to the Register
29/09/2010 NTG 39

The Northern Territory Gazetteer is maintained by the Place Names Section,
Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics.
GPO Box 1680, Darwin NT 0801. Ph 08 8995 5333.

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