Place Names Register Extract

Ryko Court

Extract date: 19/04/2024

Name Ryko
Type Designation Court
Place Id 24649
Place Type Road
Status Recorded
Date Registered 21 November 2014
Locality / Suburb  
  (None Found)
Local Government Area  
  Darwin City Council
History/Origin In May 1914, Edward 'Ryko' Reichenbach, together with John Fahey, left the Adelaide Post Office intent on breaking the cycling record from Adelaide to Darwin. Ryko was a talented photographer, using the newly available Kodak Camera. He planned to use the trip as an opportunity to photograph some of the remote and isolated places on the route. Just before the South Australia-Northern Territory border, Fahey sprained his ankle forcing him to stop to rest and the 21 year old Ryko continued alone. Even stopping to take photos on the way Ryko broke the time record when he reached Darwin in 28 days. The entrance to the Northern Territory Library occupies the very spot where he finished, the site of the old Darwin Post Office. Ryko stayed in Darwin and opened a shop in Cavenagh Street selling postcard prints of his photographs. In 1916, Ryko sold the business to concentrate on his photography; he travelled extensively crossing
the Territory from Victoria River in the west to Mcarthur River in the Gulf. Ryko went back to Darwin every few months to develop, print and sell his work. Ryko died on 2 September 1968.

Register & Gazettal information

Date Gazettal Comment
21/11/2014 Date added to Register
03/12/2014 NTG G48 Date Gazetted

The Northern Territory Gazetteer is maintained by the Place Names Section,
Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics.
GPO Box 1680, Darwin NT 0801. Ph 08 8995 5333.

© Northern Territory of Australia
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