Place Names Register Extract

Ciccone Court

Extract date: 03/05/2024

Name Ciccone
Type Designation Court
Place Id 5656
Place Type Road
Status Registered
Date Registered 5 October 1994
Locality / Suburb  
Local Government Area  
  Alice Springs Town Council
History/Origin Named after Pasquale "Patsy" (1888-1993) and Antonia (1891-1979) Ciccone (pronounced Chic-own) who were early Italian pioneers of Central Australia. Both Pasquale and Antonia were born in Serrata in Calabria, Italy. Pasquale arrived in Australia in about 1926 and was followed by his wife seven years later. In 1938, during which time Pasquale Ciccone was naturalised, they established a base in Alice Springs and from there worked many of the mines of Central Australia. After the war they returned to Harts Range. Pasquale prospected and mined gold, copper, wolfram and mica for over 25 years and was President of the Central Australian Mica Miners Association for a time. Mr Ciccone sponsored many of the southern Italians, including his brother-in-law Mr Ragonesi, who migrated to Alice Springs (Ragonesi Road in Alice Springs is named after Dominic Ragonesi). In 1952 the Ciccone's returned to Alice Springs and opened a grocery store, becoming leaders in the Italian community in the town. Mr Ciccone held Agricultural Lease 514 of 20 acres south of Alice Springs from 1950 to 1955. He also held Misc Lease 361, later converted to TLL965. They both died in Alice Springs

Register & Gazettal information

Date Gazettal Comment
05/10/1994 NTG40

The Northern Territory Gazetteer is maintained by the Place Names Section,
Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics.
GPO Box 1680, Darwin NT 0801. Ph 08 8995 5333.

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