Place Names Register Extract

Kostka Road

Extract date: 27/04/2024

Name Kostka
Type Designation Road
Place Id 6759
Place Type Road
Status Registered
Date Registered 6 September 2000
Locality / Suburb  
  Humpty Doo
Local Government Area  
  Litchfield Council
History/Origin Named after Jaromir Jan (Gerry) Kostka who was born in Miskovice, Czechoslovakia on 11 April 1924. After completing a Degree of Engineer of Commerce at the Prague Institute of Technology in 1949 he emigrated to Australia in 1950.

Kostka spent time in Brisbane before moving to Mt Isa where he worked in the mines for 12 months before coming to the Territory where he worked for the Department of Works from 1953 to 1955 before he became the accountant for the failed Territory Rice project. Becoming a registered tax agent in 1956, Kostka set up his own practice in Mitchell Street berfore moving to Harriet Place remaining thereuntil 1974 when Cyclone Tracy blew his practice away. Kostka then operated out of a house in Malabar Court until his death in 1999.

Described as a rogue, a scoundrel and an eccentric, Gerry Kostka was also an exceptionally gifted accountant who could carry out complicated calculations in his head. During over 40 years in Darwin, his services were used by thousands of clients, many of them members of the ethnic community with whom he was particularly popular because he could speak eight languages. Considered the unofficial Czech Ambassador in Darwin, his home became a halfway house for lost or wayward Czechs and Russians, sailors who deserted their ships in Darwin.

Gerry Kostka was a unique person and a colourful part of Darwin's history for nearly 50 years and the fact that he, an accountant, passed away on the last day of the financial year (30 June 1999) would have delighted him.

Register & Gazettal information

Date Gazettal Comment
06/09/2000 NTG35
28/05/2008 NTG21 Northern extension to Arnhem Highway

The Northern Territory Gazetteer is maintained by the Place Names Section,
Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics.
GPO Box 1680, Darwin NT 0801. Ph 08 8995 5333.

© Northern Territory of Australia
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