Metadata : Topographic Data of the Northern Territory


Metadata Details:

Name:AS/NZS ISO 19115 Geographic Information - Metadata, ANZLIC Metadata Profile


Date Metadata Extracted:2025-01-25

Date Metadata Last Updated:2000-01-14

Current URL (HTML format) :

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ANZLIC Identifier:2DBCB7711FD306B6E040CD9B0F274EFE

Title:Topographic Data of the Northern Territory

Citation Date:2000-01-14

Date Type:publication

Custodian:Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics



The Northern Territory is covered by topographic mapping of the following scales
1:1000000 Complete data set aquired from AUSLIG
1:250000 Complete data set aquired from AUSLIG
1:100000 Partial data set aquired from AUSLIG
1:50000 Partial data set aquired from ARMY
1:25000 Partial data set derived from aerial photograhy
1:10000 Partial data set derived from aerial photograhy
1:5000 Partial data set derived from aerial photograhy
1:2500 Partial data set derived from aerial photograhy
1:1000 Partial data set derived from aerial photograhy
1:500 Partial data set derived from aerial photograhy

ANZLIC Search Words:

Spatial Domain:

Bounding Coordinates:

Dataset Status

Dataset ID:ANZNT0001000089


Character Set: Latin 1


Maintenance and Update Frequency:irregular

Data Currency Start Date:

Data Currency End Date:

Access Constraint:Access constraints due to copyright over all AUSLIG and Army supplied information only allow use by NTG. The remainder of the topographic data can be purchased.

Data Quality

Lineage:1:1000000 Complete data set aquired from AUSLIG - Data converted from AS2482 Refer AUSLIG for data history
1:250000 Complete data set aquired from AUSLIG - Refer AUSLIG for data history
1:100000 Partial data set aquired from AUSLIG - Refer AUSLIG for data history
1:50000 Partial data set aquired from ARMY - Data converted from DGN format Refer Army for history
1:25000 Partial data set derived from aerial photograhy - commencing 1985
1:10000 Partial data set derived from aerial photograhy - commencing 1985
1:5000 Partial data set derived from aerial photograhy - commencing 1985
1:2500 Partial data set derived from aerial photograhy - commencing 1985
1:1000 Partial data set derived from aerial photograhy - for some special projects only
1:500 Partial data set derived from aerial photograhy - for some special projects only

Positional Accuracy:1:1000000 - Refer AUSLIG
1:250000 Refer AUSLIG
1:100000 Refer AUSLIG
1:50000 Refer Army
1:25000 +/- 5 metres
1:10000 +/- 2 metres
1:5000 +/- 1metre
1:2500 +/- 1 metre
1:1000 +/- .5 metre
1:500 +/- .2 metre

Attribute Accuracy:1:1000000 - Refer AUSLIG
1:250000 Refer AUSLIG
1:100000 Refer AUSLIG
1:50000 Refer Army
1:25000 90%
1:10000 95%
1:5000 97%
1:2500 98%
1:1000 100%
1:500 100%

Logical Consistency:1:1000000 - Refer AUSLIG
1:250000 Refer AUSLIG
1:100000 Refer AUSLIG
1:50000 Refer Army
1:25000 Good
1:10000 Good
1:5000 Good
1:2500 Good
1:1000 Good
1:500 Good

Completeness:1:1000000 - Complete
1:250000 Complete
1:100000 Map sheets 5650, 5551, 5654, 5662, 5351, 5350, 5450, 5562, 5550, 5451, 5449, 5653
1:50000 VRD and West Macs only
1:25000 Darwin Area, Katherine, Alice Springs, Mary River Region
1:10000 Darwin and Alice Springs
1:5000 Darwin, Katherine, Tennant Creek and Alice Springs
1:2500 Most built up areas in the Territory inc Aboriginal Communities
1:1000 Project areas Darwin and Alice Springs
1:500 Project areas Darwin and Alice Springs


Department of Infrastructure, Planning and LogisticsDirector Spatial Information Servicescustodian(08) 8995 5317(08) 8995

Data Dictionary

No data dictionary defined for this dataset

Supplementary Information

Persons requiring data in Arc/Info format contact GIS Manager
Persons requiring data in DGN or AS2482 format contact Products and Services Manager
Persons requiring data in hard copy format contact Land Information Centre Manager

This record maintained using the NTLIS Metadata Tool