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Metadata : Bushfires NT - Administrative Boundaries |

Metadata Details:
Name:AS/NZS ISO 19115 Geographic Information - Metadata, ANZLIC Metadata Profile
Date Metadata Extracted:2025-02-16
Date Metadata Last Updated:2022-06-22
Current URL (HTML format) : http://www.ntlis.nt.gov.au/metadata/export_data?type=html&metadata_id=F8DBF4562DFBC0C9E040CD9B21447F4C
Current URL (XML format) : http://www.ntlis.nt.gov.au/metadata/export_data?type=xml&metadata_id=F8DBF4562DFBC0C9E040CD9B21447F4C
ANZLIC Identifier:F8DBF4562DFBC0C9E040CD9B21447F4C
Title:Bushfires NT - Administrative Boundaries
Citation Date:1985-01-01
Date Type:creation
Custodian:Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security
The Bushfires NT Administrative Boundaries define the spatial extents of areas as determined by the Minister as statutory instruments under the Bushfires Management Act 2016, for the purpose of managing wildfire in areas outside of major towns in the Northern Territory.
The areas apply to all land tenures across the Northern Territory and exclude Emergency Response Areas (ERA's) as defined under the Fire and Emergency Act.
ERA's are small areas covering urban and urban-fringe development around major population centres and are managed by the NT Fire and Rescue Service (NTFRS).
Each of these boundary polygons are categorised into three dataset groups;
1. Fire Management Zones (previously referred to as Fire Control Regions): declared by Gazette notice under the Bushfires Management Act and establish an area for regional committees, regional bushfire management plans and have specific controls.
2. Fire Protection Zones: declared by Gazette notice under the Bushfires Management Act and are areas of identified higher risk and have specific controls.
3. Volunteer Bushfire Brigade Areas
- boundaries
Bounding Coordinates:
- North Bounding Coordinate:-10
- South Bounding Coordinate:-26
- East Bounding Coordinate:138
- West Bounding Coordinate:129
Dataset Status
Dataset ID:
Character Set: Latin 1
Maintenance and Update Frequency:asNeeded
Data Currency Start Date:1985-01-01
Data Currency End Date:2022-06-22
Access Constraint:Download the spatial data package (contains spatial data, maps and reports) via data.nt.gov.au/
You are licensed to use the DENR geospatial products on the terms and conditions set out in: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC BY 4.0) at: creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode
If you do not agree to the terms and conditions you must not use the geospatial products.
You are free to copy, communicate and adapt the licensed material, provided that you abide by the licence terms (including Attribution) and attribute the licensed material using the statement:
Supplied by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Copyright Northern Territory Government.
Data Quality
Lineage:Each polygon was drawn using a GIS (ArcGIS) against the corresponding Northern Territory Government Gazettal description. Usually the boundary description referred to either named roads or cadastral property parcel number. In some instances reference is made to parcel numbers that no longer exist. A best fit option was used in these circumstances. Where the boundary description referred to a river, a background image was used to create the linework.
Feb 2018 - Fire Control Regions were renamed to Fire Management Zones; Arafura and Vernon were combined. All Emergency Response Areas were erased from Bushfires NT datasets to create donuts.
Oct 2019 - boundaries for Alice Springs, Tennant Creek and Katherine Fire Protection Zones were amended.
May 202 - Beatrice Hill Volunteer Bushfire Brigade Area renamed to Marrakai.
June 2022 - Timber Creek Emergency Response Areas added.
Positional Accuracy:These spatial datasets have polygon geometry. Linework was matched (snapped) to either road centrelines or cadastral boundaries where applicable and following the gazettal notice.
Attribute Accuracy:Each polygon has descriptive details including the name and date details from the Northern Territory Government Gazettal Notice.
Logical Consistency:GIS editing tools were used to rectify all overshoots and undershoots in line work. For individual areas, polygon topology rules applied are; must not overlap, must not have gaps and each polygon has only one label.
Where the areas have also been compiled into a singular NT wide dataset to assist data display, polygons may overlap. The polygons were merged in a GIS so that each area had only a single record, instead of creating additional polygons where overlaps occurred.
Completeness:This dataset may be regularly updated.
Name Organisation Position Role Phone Fax Data Requests Officer Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security Geospatial Services Branch (on behalf of department) distributor datarequests.depws@nt.gov.au
Data Dictionary
No data dictionary defined for this dataset
Supplementary Information
For more information, please refer to the website for Bushfires NT within the Department of Environment and Natural Resources.
Metadata record for NT Fire and Rescue Service (NTFRS) Emergency Response Areas:
NT Gazettal Notices: nt.gov.au/about-government/gazettes
This record maintained using the NTLIS Metadata Tool