Place Names Register Extract

Pascoe Court

Extract date: 19/04/2024

Name Pascoe
Type Designation Court
Place Id 24621
Place Type Road
Status Registered
Date Registered 4 June 2014
Locality / Suburb  
Local Government Area  
  Palmerston City Council
History/Origin Named after Frederick (Fred) Pascoe who came to Katherine in 1942 whilst working for South Australia Railways. He chose to stay in Katherine on completion of his service with the railways. He married and raised five children. Over the years he had various ventures including a citrus farm and garage/service station in town. He later became an engineer in the Katherine Power Station (until retirement in 1978). Fred played an active role in the community and was a member of the School Committee, the Katherine Town Management Board, and the Free Masons Fidelity Club. He also established the Katherine Youth Club and later purchased land opposite the school to build the Katherine Youth Club Hall. Fred passed away in 1990.

Register & Gazettal information

Date Gazettal Comment
04/06/2014 Date added to the Register
11/06/2014 NTG G23
07/07/2017 Alteration of name "Pascoe Crescent" to "Pascoe Court" (Certified Plan S2017/048)

The Northern Territory Gazetteer is maintained by the Place Names Section,
Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics.
GPO Box 1680, Darwin NT 0801. Ph 08 8995 5333.

© Northern Territory of Australia
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