Place Names Register Extract

Forrest Parade

Extract date: 26/04/2024

Name Forrest
Type Designation Parade
Place Id 6152
Place Type Road
Status Registered
Date Registered 17 April 1996
Locality / Suburb  
Local Government Area  
  Palmerston City Council
History/Origin Named after Alexander Forrest (1849-1901), explorer and politician. He trained as a surveyor whilst working at his father's mill, near Bunbury, WA. In 1870 and 1874, he was 2nd in command on his brother John Forrest's transcontinental expeditions. In 1879, he led a 6 man expedition which resulted in the discovery of the Kimberley district of WA. Being short of food, the party made a dash for the OT Line, arriving safely near Katherine. In the early 1880s Forrest turned to being a land agent with particular interest in Kimberley and Northern Territory properties. In 1887 Forrest entered politics, as the first member for Kimberley and served as government whip. He was Mayor of Perth for 6 years between 1892 and 1900. In 1890 he pioneered the shipping of live cattle from the Kimberleys (mainly Derby) to Fremantle and attempted to develop overseas markets.

Register & Gazettal information

Date Gazettal Comment
14/05/1986 NTG19
17/04/1996 NTG16 Revoked & Re-gazetted
12/05/2004 NTG19 Extension
13/12/2006 NTG50 Southerly Extension
09/12/2009 NTG49 Extension through Bellamack
25/08/2010 NTG34 Extension
29/09/2010 NTG39 Extension

The Northern Territory Gazetteer is maintained by the Place Names Section,
Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics.
GPO Box 1680, Darwin NT 0801. Ph 08 8995 5333.

© Northern Territory of Australia
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