Metadata : Risk to Biodiversity of the Gunn Point Area, 2020


Metadata Details:

Name:AS/NZS ISO 19115 Geographic Information - Metadata, ANZLIC Metadata Profile


Date Metadata Extracted:2024-07-27

Date Metadata Last Updated:2020-08-25

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ANZLIC Identifier:A79CC35AC58D6D15E0530101007F4257

Title:Risk to Biodiversity of the Gunn Point Area, 2020

Citation Date:2020-07-17

Date Type:publication

Custodian:Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security



This polygon spatial dataset describes the Risk to Biodiversity in the Gunn Point Area, north of Darwin in the Northern Territory. The Gunn Point Area covers approximately 71,000 ha. and is defined by the Howard Water Allocation Planning Areas north of Gunn Point Road to the coastline.

Flora surveys were undertaken between July 2018 and March 2019 to locate threatened plants, update species habitat models, and to refine mapping of sensitive and significant vegetation communities. Fauna surveys targeting threatened mammals, owls and frogs were undertaken between June 2018 and February 2019.

The aim of the assessment was to identify biodiversity values to support sustainable development of natural resources and to de-risk investment. The risk to biodiversity classes were developed to assist land use planning and development.

This information is part of the Mapping the Future Project - Gunn Point
This project has identified land capability, water availability and biodiversity values to support land planning and inform development potential over the Gunn Point area. Reports and maps can be viewed from the webpage:
- Development Potential of the Gunn Point Area (2020)
- Biodiversity Assessment of the Gunn Point Area (2020)
- Groundwater Resources of the Gunn Point Area (2020)
- Marine and Coastal Biodiversity Assessment of the Gunn Point Area (2020)
- Soil and Land Resources of the Gunn Point Area (2020)
- Soil and Land Suitability Assessment for Irrigated Agriculture in the Gunn Point Area (2017)
- Vegetation Communities of the Gunn Point Area (2020)

ANZLIC Search Words:

Spatial Domain:

Bounding Coordinates:

Dataset Status

Dataset ID:


Character Set: Latin 1


Maintenance and Update Frequency:notPlanned

Data Currency Start Date:2018-06-01

Data Currency End Date:2020-06-18

Access Constraint:Download the spatial data package (contains spatial data, maps and reports) via

You are licensed to use the DENR geospatial products on the terms and conditions set out in:
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC BY 4.0) at:
If you do not agree to the terms and conditions you must not use the geospatial products.
You are free to copy, communicate and adapt the licensed material, provided that you abide by the licence terms (including Attribution) and attribute the licensed material using the statement:
Supplied by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Copyright Northern Territory Government.

Data Quality

Lineage:Biodiversity values were identified in the Gunn Point area from vegetation communities mapping (Vegetation Communities of the Gunn Point Area (2020), species habitat suitability modelling and targeted flora and fauna surveys (Biodiversity Assessment of the Gunn Point Area (2020), and historical species location records derived from the Department's Flora Atlas and Fauna Atlas.

Biodiversity values data were compiled into five classes. The data source for each class was kept in the final output. Descriptions for the classes are noted in the Data Dictionary in this metadata record.
- Class 1. Remnant vegetation not present
- Class 2. Project area including defined polygons for waterbodies
- Class 3. Areas with high likelihood of containing important habitat for threatened species (Typhonium praetermissum, Cycas armstrongii, Stylidium ensatum)
- Class 4. Sensitive and significant vegetation communities
- Class 5. High biodiversity value areas

The five biodiversity values classes were unioned using ArcGIS 10.6 software. A Risk to Biodiversity ranking was compiled to resolve overlapping attributes for each class. Each selection will overwrite any previous selections.
Select C3_Class = 3; create BioRisk = 3
Select C4_Class = 4; create Bio_Risk = 4
Select C5_Class = 5; create Bio_Risk = 5
Select C1_Class = 1; create Bio_Risk = 1
Select BioRisk = 0 (remaining polys); create BioRisk = C2_Class (keep 0, 2 or 9 values)

Positional Accuracy:

Attribute Accuracy:Field data (site information) described and classified according to national standards at the time of capture. Attribute values are assigned to each polygon and described in the Data Dictionary below. The attribute naming format uses 10 characters with no spaces to be suitable for an ESRI shape-file format. An alias attribute name is applied to an ESRI file geo-database format.

Logical Consistency:polygons may be multi-part



Data Requests OfficerDepartment of Environment, Parks and Water SecurityGeospatial Services Branch (on behalf of department)

Data Dictionary

AttributeAttribute DescriptionPossible CodeCode Description
01. ProjectProject name
02. BioRiskAlias: Risk to Biodiversity Class

Datasets from a range of sources were joined to create a Risk to Biodiversity Class ranked from 1 to 5, ranging from Nil Biodiversity Risk to High Biodiversity Risk.
The Risk to Biodiversity Class contains 3 parts referring to Description 1, 2 and 3. They are joined together for mapping display.
Risk 0Not assessed.
Risk 1NIL, Highly modified, Land that has had significant alteration by land use, development, mining or infrastructure.
Risk 2LOW, No significant biodiversity value, No significant values identified.
Risk 3UNCERTAIN, Requires further biodiversity assessment, Land that may require further biodiversity assessment before any development approval, dependent on the likelihood of occurrence of threatened species. Some land may require management or protection.
Risk 4MODERATE, Sensitive and/or significant vegetation, Land containing sensitive or significant vegetation types as identified in the NT Land Clearing Guidelines.
Risk 5HIGH, High biodiversity value, Land having high biodiversity value based on significant vegetation community type in combination with threatened species occurrence records.
Risk 9Water body
03. BioDesc1Alias: BioRisk - Description 1

Part 1 of the Biodiversity Risk Class description.
04. BioDesc2Alias: BioRisk - Description 2

Part 2 of the Biodiversity Risk Class description.
05. BioDesc3Alias: BioRisk - Description 3

Part 3 of the Biodiversity Risk Class description.
06. C1_ClassAlias: Class 1 - Remnant veg not present

Origins of Class 1 data is Vegetation Communities of the Gunn Point Area (2020), where COM_GROUP = 'Remnant Vegetation Not Present'.
0Polygons are not Class 1.
1Polygons are Class 1.
07. C2_ClassAlias: Class 2 - Not assessed

Origins of Biodiversity Class 2 data are the extent of the Gunn Point study area and water bodies from Napier 2020 Vegetation of Gunn Point.
0Polygons represent areas that have not been assessed in this project.
1Polygons are Class 2.
9Polygons represent water bodies.
08. C3_ClassAlias: Class 3 - Threatened Sp.

Origins of Biodiversity Class 3 data were compiled by the Flora and Fauna Division for this project to describe the high likelihood that 3 threatened species may be present - Cycas armstrongii, Typhonium praetermissum, Stylidium ensatum.
0Polygons are not Class 3.
3Polygons are Class 3.
09. C3_SourceAlias: Class 3 - Source (C,T,S)

The threatened species source for each polygon is noted as a concatenated value.
Example: 1, 0, 1.
Cycas armstrongii = yes, Typhonium praetermissum = no, Stylidium ensatum = yes.
NullPolygons are not Class 3.
10. C3_CycasAlias: Class 3 - Cycas armstrongii

Heuristic modelling identified areas of high suitability habitat for high density stands of Cycas armstrongii (Biodiversity Assessment of the Gunn Point Area (2020)). Polygons were derived from vegetation community and land unit mapping (Brock 1995, Easey et al. 2017, Fogarty et al. 1984, Napier et al. 2020).
0Likelihood of containing important habitat for the species is not high.
1High likelihood of containing important habitat for the species.
11. C3_TyphAlias: Class 3 - Typhonium praetermissum

High suitability habitat areas for Typhonium praetermissum are derived from Mapped Distribution for Threatened Species of the Greater Darwin Region - Typhonium praetermissum - Version 3.2 (
0Likelihood of containing important habitat for the species is not high.
1High likelihood of containing important habitat for the species.
12. C3_StylidAlias: Class 3 - Stylidium ensatum

High suitability habitat areas for Stylidium ensatum were derived from species distribution modelling, using a 10m x 10m raster cell size resolution (based on Sentinel-2 image data). Source - Flora and Fauna Division, DENR.
0Likelihood of containing important habitat for the species is not high.
1High likelihood of containing important habitat for the species.
13. C4_ClassAlias: Class 4 - Significant Vegetation

Rainforests, wetland communities and sandsheet heaths are identified as sensitive and significant vegetation communities (NT Land Clearing Guidelines, Department of Environment and Natural Resources 2019), and are habitat for a number of significant species and provide important ecosystem services.
Origins of Biodiversity Class 4 were derived by the Flora and Fauna division using Napier 2020, Vegetation of Gunn Point to select significant vegetation communities.
0Polygons are not Class 4.
4Polygons are Class 4.
14. C4_VegComAlias: Class 4 - Vegetation Community

Significant vegetation communities classified as the following;
- Mangroves and salt flats
- Rainforest Dry
- Rainforest Wet
- Sandsheet Heath Vegetation
- Wetland
NullPolygons are not Class 4.
15. C4_SourceAlias: Class 4 - Source
Napier 2020, Vegetation of Gunn Point.
NullPolygons are not Class 4.
16. C4_GDEAlias: Class 4 - GDE, Type

Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems - classified as the following;
- Permanent, Type 2 (surface expression)
- Seasonal, Type 2 (surface expression)
- Seasonal, Type 3 (subsurface expression)
NullPolygons are not Class 4.
17. C5_ClassAlias: Class 5 - High value areas

High biodiversity value areas were identified based on criteria reported in Biodiversity Assessment of the Gunn Point Area (2020), and polygons derived from the department's Flora and Fauna division using Napier 2020, Vegetation of Gunn Point.
- Class 5 polygons are also part of Class 4 Significant Vegetation.
- 2 polygons representing high density locations of Typhonium praetermissum have been included in Class 5.
0Polygons are not Class 5.
5Polygons are Class 5.
18. C5_VegComAlias: Class 5 - Vegetation Community

Significant vegetation communities classified as the following;
- Mangroves and salt flats
- Rainforest Dry
- Rainforest Wet
- Sandsheet Heath Vegetation
- Wetland
0Polygons are not Class 5.
5Polygons are Class 5.
19. C5_SourceAlias: Class 5 - Source

Napier 2020, Vegetation of Gunn Point.
Cuff 2019, Threatened Species of the Darwin Region.
Null or 0Polygons are not Class 5.
20. Area_haAlias: Area (ha)

Each polygon in the dataset has an area calculation in hectares.

Supplementary Information

Stokeld, D., Leiper, I., Cuff, N., Cowie, I., Lewis, D. and Einoder, L. (2020).
Mapping the Future Project - Gunn Point.
Biodiversity Assessment of the Gunn Point Area.
Technical Report 4/2020. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Darwin, NT.

Download report from NT Library
Download map product for this survey

Vegetation Communities of the Gunn Point Area.

Mapped Distribution for Threatened Species of the Greater Darwin Region. (Typhonium praetermissum)

Howard River Sand Plains Site of Conservation Significance (SOCS), 2013

NT Land Use Mapping 2016

Monsoon Vine-Forest Distribution (Rainforests)

Brock, J. (1995). Remnant vegetation survey: Darwin to Palmerston region. A Report to Greening Australia NT.

Cuff, N, and Green, C. (2019). Mapped Distribution for Threatened Species of the Greater Darwin Region - Typhonium praetermissum, Version 2.0 January 2019, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Northern Territory Government.

Easey, D, Brocklehurst, P, and Emberg, J. (2017). Agricultural Land Suitability Series, Report 7. Soil and Land Suitability Assessment for Irrigated Agriculture in the Gunn Point Area Technical Report 7/2017D. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Northern Territory Government. Darwin, NT.

Fogarty, PJ, Lynch, B, and Wood, BG. (1984). Land Resources of the Elizabeth, Darwin and Blackmore Rivers - Greater Darwin Area, Northern Territory. Report Number 15/84D. Land Conservation Unit. Conservation Commission of the Northern Territory. Northern Territory Government, Darwin, NT Retrieved from

Liddle, DT, Harkness, P, Westaway, J, Lewis, DL, and Cowie, ID. (2013). Vegetation communities and plant biodiversity values of the seasonally saturated lands of the Howard Sand Plains Site of Conservation Significance in the Northern Territory of Australia. Report to the Australian Government Caring for our Country initiative. Department of Land Resource Management, Northern Territory Government. Palmerston, NT.

Napier, D, Edmeades, B, and Green, C. (2020). Vegetation Communities of the Gunn Point Area. Technical Report 8/2020. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Northern Territory of Australia. Darwin, NT.

This record maintained using the NTLIS Metadata Tool